Our offices became a hub of activity, centrally co-ordinating food deliveries and food parcels.
We also started receiving lists of vulnerable adults from the local authority via spreadsheets, whilst carrying on receiving referrals from multiple sources too – such as the Council COVID-19 helpline, Age UK, and Social Prescribing Link Workers.
Working in partnership & sharing data
Soon we found that keeping track of things was becoming a nightmare, so we worked with our digital providers to put in place a case management and referral system that all the partners could use.
It’s important when working with partners that everybody can quickly and easily access and share information, and refer clients across services. I also need to be able to track and co-ordinate services we’re providing on the ground.
Now we have a system that supports every part of our service. We provide regular update reports to the local authority on all our activity managed across the partnership. Everybody has a responsibility to update their records, so we can clearly see how many of clients have been supported and the outcomes of referrals.