Take a look at our recommendations for setting up a new social prescribing service

Monitoring & impact data

You will need a case management system and processes in place to be able to track each referral, and the outcome of referrals to be able to evidence your impact.

You will need to consider:

  1. How you will record client data, track your interventions and support plans, and how you will record the outcome of each referral
  2. Is your current database system capable of this? Or do you need to invest in a new management system?
  3. What health and wellbeing measurements do you need to record – and which measurement tool will be most appropriate for you to use to track your clients’ improvements?


Useful Resources:

GDPR & data protection

Your organisation may already have policies in place for recording and storing personal data in line with data protection regulations. However, these may need to be reviewed and updated to cover social prescribing referral data.

You will need to consider:

  1. What personal data will you receive from GPs and other agencies referring people to your service? How will you receive referrals in a secure way?
  2. Do you need to make any changes to your internal systems, policies and processes to ensure you are compliant with GDPR requirements?
  3. How will you ensure all your team members are aware of their GDPR responsibilities when processing personal and sensitive data?


Useful Resources:

Inclusion & accessibility

Based upon local needs, you may wish to offer a whole population service or focus upon a specific age group or target group. Either way, you need to your service is accessible to all sections of the community, and be as inclusive as possible.

You will need to consider:

  1. Potential cultural and language barriers – perhaps there are local BME groups you could work with to help you reach hard to reach communities? Your local infrastructure organisation can support you to link up with local charities to help you reach marginalised communities.
  2. How can you deliver your service in an accessible environment? You might decide it’s best to base your service in a community setting, rather than a GP surgery – or perhaps in a variety of different community venues and locations.


Useful Resources:

Delivering services differently

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations to look at new ways to deliver their services, in the short, medium and long-term.

You will need to consider:

  1. What are the best ways for you to deliver your service when face-to-face contact isn’t allowed or possible? Can you provide support remotely?
  2. How you will manage risk when face-to-face activity is necessary?
  3. How can you make sure you are not digitally excluding service users?


Useful Resources

Need any help? Good news!

Your local VCSE infrastructure organisation can help you with applying for funding, designing your service and help you to connect to the wider VCSE sector in your local area.

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